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Patent Quality Forum Series, United States Patent and Trademark Office (November 3–16, 2016)

Submitted by

John M. White

Practising Law Institute; Soryn IP Group; Berenato & White, LLC

If you find this article helpful, you can learn more about the subject by going to www.pli.edu to view the on demand program or segment for which it was written.

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United States Patent and Trademark Office
Patent Quality Forum Series
Washington DC * Milwaukee, WI
Kansas City, MO * Portland, OR * Baton Rouge, LA
November 3-16, 2016

Update on Patent Quality Programs

Enhanced Patent Quality Initiative

EPQI Programs

Focused on three implementation areas

Data Analysis

Pillar 1

Topic Submission for Case Studies

Pillar 2

Clarity and Correctness Data Capture (Master Review Form or MRF)

Quality Metrics

Examiners’ Resources, Tools & Training

Pillar 1

Automated Pre-Examination Search Pilot

STIC Awareness Campaign

Improving Clarity and Reasoning in Office Actions Training (ICR Training)

Post Grant Outcomes

Pillar 3

Interview Specialist

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Changes to Process/Product

Pillar 1

Clarity of the Record Pilot

Pillar 3

Post-Prosecution Pilot (P3)

Reevaluate QPIDS

Design Patent Publication Quality

Topic Submission for Case Studies

Topic Submission – Background

Case studies used internally on an ad hoc basis to study particular issues

Federal Register Notice initiated this formal program on December 21, 2015

USPTO invited stakeholders to submit patent quality- related topics for study

Submissions were accepted through February 12, 2016

Topic Submissions and Selection


Received over 135 ideas for case studies from 87 stakeholders

Intellectual property organizations, law firms, companies, and individuals


Process of review and selection:


Assessed whether the topic was appropriate or capable of being timely assessed via a case study


Determined whether other programs or mechanisms within the USPTO were more appropriate


Grouped the remaining submissions by subject matter

Topics Selected for Case Studies

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Clarity and Correctness Data Capture: Master Review Form (MRF)

Master Review Form – Background

USPTO has a long history of reviewing its own work

Office of Patent Quality Assurance (OPQA)

Regular supervisor reviews

ther formal review programs

Informal feedback

Reviews, using different formats, focused on correctness and provided feedback on clarity

Review data was routinely analyzed separately

MRF Program Goals

To create a single, comprehensive tool (called the Master Review Form) that can be used by all areas of the Office to consistently review final work product

To better collect information on the clarityand correctness of Office actions

To collect review results into a single data warehouse for more robust analysis

MRF Iteration and Implementation

Developed Version 1.0 and deployed in OPQA November, 2015

Trained reviewers for consistent usage of the extensive form

Obtained internal feedback

Published Federal Register Notice with Version 1.0 and collected comments March-May, 2016

All comments available at https://www.uspto.gov/patent/laws-and-regulations/comments-public/comments-improving-patent-quality-measurement

Developed Version 2.0 and deployed in OPQA June, 2016

Technology Centers began using the form July, 2016

MRF Reviews are Increasing

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MRF Looking Forward

The MRF’s single data warehouse facilitates:

Better quality metrics

Higher number of reviews

More complete reviews

Case studies without the need of directed, ad hoc reviews

Rapid measurement of the impact due to training, incentives, or other quality programs on our work product

Quality monitoring tools, such as dashboards

Linking MRF data to Big Data

Automated Pre-Examination Search


Provide a pre-examination search automatically in every application


Leverage modern technologies to identify prior art for the examiner prior to examination

Optimize searching technology to keep pace with advancements in the field


Providing a useful prior art baseline that represents the current state of the technology in each patent application

Improving examination quality by supplying that art to the examiners

STIC Awareness Campaign

STIC Awareness

Highlighting internal tools for patent examiners

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STIC Program Accomplishments

STIC added content and features to its examiner-facing webpage, which page examiners use to access electronic resources as well as request products and services

Q3 data includes estimated usage rates as data for all e-resources is not yet available

Some STIC E-Resources

STIC demos

Training and events

two EIC-specific videos

featured monthly quality resources

an e-catalog

Clarity of the Record Training: Improving Clarity and Reasoning in Office Actions – ICR Training

Improving Clarity and Reasoning – ICR Training Program Goals

To identify particular areas of prosecution that would benefit from increased clarity of the record and develop training

To enhance all training to include tips and techniques for enhancing the clarity of the record as an integral part of ongoing substantive training

ICR Training Courses

35 U.S.C. 112(f): Identifying Limitations that Invoke § 112(f)

35 U.S.C. 112(f): Making the Record Clear

35 U.S.C. 112(f): Broadest Reasonable Interpretation and Definiteness of § 112(f) Limitations

35 U.S.C. 112(f): Evaluating Limitations in Software-Related Claims for Definiteness under 35 U.S.C. 112(b)

Broadest Reasonable Interpretation (BRI) and the Plain Meaning of Claim Terms o Examining Functional Claim Limitations: Focus on Computer/Software- related Claims o Examining Claims for Compliance with 35 U.S.C. 112(a): Part I Written Description

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Examining Claims for Compliance with 35 U.S.C. 112(a): Part II – Enablement

35 U.S.C. 112(a): Written Description Workshop

§ 112(b): Enhancing Clarity By Ensuring That Claims Are Definite Under 35 U.S.C. 112(b)

2014 Interim Guidance on Patent Subject Matter Eligibility

Abstract Idea Example Workshops I & II

Enhancing Clarity By Ensuring Clear Reasoning of Allowance Under C.F.R. 1.104(e) and MPEP 1302.14

35 U.S.C. 101: Subject Matter Eligibility Workshop III: Formulating a Rejection and Evaluating the Applicant’s Response

35 U.S.C. 112(b):

Interpreting Functional Language and Evaluating Claim Boundaries – Workshop

Advanced Writing Techniques utilizing Case Law

Stakeholder Training on Examination Practice and Procedure (STEPP)

3-Day training on examination practice and procedure for patent practitioners

Provide external stakeholders with a better understanding of how and why an examiner makes decisions while examining a patent application

Aid in compact prosecution by disclosing to external stakeholders how examiners are taught to use the MPEP to interpret an applicant’s disclosure

STEPP Course Schedule

Training Resources

All examiner training, including the above ICR Training, is publicly available


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Stakeholder Training on Examination Practice and Procedure (STEPP) launched July 12th

Training series planned at regular intervals in Alexandria and at regional offices


Design Patent Publication Quality

Design Patent Publication Quality


Improve the quality of images printed in design patent grants


New process implemented October 4, 2016 wherein:

Images of design patent grants are clearer and more reflective of the electronically filed images and

Electronic file wrappers of design patent grants contain PDF copies of the design patent grants

Looking Ahead

Uploading enhanced quality patent images into search systems to enhance patent search capabilities

Enhancing Design Patent Images

Examination Time Analysis

Examination Time Analysis – Roundtables

For additional information and ways to provide feedback please see our website at https://www.uspto.gov/patent/initiatives/eta-external-outreach

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Clarity of Record Pilot

Clarity of Record Pilot – Purpose

This program is to develop best Examiner practices for enhancing the clarity of various aspects of the prosecution record and then to study the impact on the examination process of implementing these best practices.

Clarity of Record Pilot Goals

Clarity of Record Pilot - Areas of Focus

More detailed interview summaries

Enhanced documentation of claim interpretation

More precise reasons for allowance

Pre-search interview - Examiner’s option

Clarity of Record Pilot – Participants

125 Examiners participated

Advanced Training

Met regularly

Recorded time spent

45 Supervisors (SPEs) participated

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Managed program

Provided reviews

Provided direct assistance

Clarity of Record Pilot – Evaluation

2,600 Office actions (reviewed and recorded)

Included a statistical mix of:

Pre-Pilot Office actions

Pilot Office actions

Control group

Key Drivers were determined

Best practices were gathered

Results and Recommendations – Interview Summaries

Identified Best Practices/Key Drivers:

Adding the substance of the Examiner’s position

Providing the details of an agreement, if reached

Including a description of the next steps that will follow the interview


Provide corps-wide training on enhancing the clarity of interview summaries that focuses on the identified best practices/key drivers

Consider whether to require examiners to complete more comprehensive interview summaries

Continue to evaluate Pilot cases to see whether improved interview summary clarity has a long-term impact on prosecution

Results and Recommendations – 112(f) Limitations

Identified Best Practices/Key Drivers:

Explaining 112(f) presumptions and how the presumptions were overcome (when applicable)

Using the appropriate form paragraphs

Identifying in the specification the structure that performs the function


Consider whether to require examiners to use the 112(f) form paragraph

Results – 102 and 103 Rejections (Claim Interpretation)

Identified Best Practices/Key Drivers:

Clearly addressing all limitations in 35 U.S.C. 102 rejections when claims were group together

Explaining the treatment of intended use and non-functional descriptive material limitations in 35 U.S.C. 103 rejections

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Overall Pilot Determination:

Examiners currently doing a good job with clarity in claim interpretation

Results and Recommendations – 102 and 103 Rejections (Claim Interpretation)

Key Drivers that Added to and Detracted FromClarity:

Providing, in 35 U.S.C. 102 rejections, an explanation for limitations that have been identified as inherent

Providing, in 35 U.S.C. 103 rejections, annotations to pin-point where each claim limitation is met by the references


Assess how to use the identified best practice of recording claim interpretation to improve the clarity of Office actions without detracting from clarity

Results and Recommendations – Reasons for Allowance

Identified Best Practices/Key Drivers:

Identify specific allowable subject matter or where found, if earlier presented, during prosecution

Confirm applicant’s persuasive arguments

Address all independent claims


Provide training on best practices

Require more comprehensive reasons for allowance

Results – Additional Practices

Identified Best Practice:

Pilot Examiners shared best practices with non-Pilot Examiners

Practices that did NOT significantly impact overall clarity:

Providing an explanation regarding the patentable weight given to a preamble

Providing an explanation of how relative terminology in a claim is being interpreted

Providing an explanation for how a claim limitation that was subject to a rejection under 35 U.S.C. 112(b) has been interpreted for purposes of applying a prior art rejection

Clarity of the Record – Next Steps


Internal surveys sent to Pilot examiners

Data currently being collected

Quality Chat

Gather information/thoughts on any differences seen during Pilot time period

Share data results of Pilot

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Discuss/share best practices

Focus Sessions

Are best practices still being used?

Discuss amended cases resulting from Pilot

Monitor Pilot Treated Cases

Are applicant’s arguments more focused?

Average time to disposal compared to pre- pilot cases?


Discuss implementation of training and best practices in all Technology Centers

Consider further efforts to enhance claim interpretation including key drivers that did not significantly impact clarity

Expand Pilot to gather additional data


Post-Prosecution Pilot (P3)

Post-Prosecution Pilot (P3) – Goal

Developed to impact patent practice during the period subsequent to final rejection and prior to the filing of a notice of appeal

Adding to current programs:

After final Consideration Pilot (AFCP 2.0)

Pre-appeal Brief Conference Pilot

Post-Prosecution Pilot (P3) – Overview

Retains popular features of the Pre-appeal Brief Conference Pilot and AFCP 2.0 programs:

Consideration of 5-pages of arguments

Consideration of non-broadening claim amendments

Consideration by a panel

Adds requested features:

Presentation of arguments to a panel of examiners

Explanation of the panel’s recommendation in a written decision after the panel confers

Post-Prosecution Pilot (P3) – Begins

Federal Register Notice (81 FR 44845) began the Pilot on July 11, 2016

Runs six (6) months or upon receipt of 1,600 compliant requests, whichever occurs first

–200 per Technology Center

Formal comments about P3 will be received through November 14, 2016 at AfterFinalPractice@uspto.gov

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P3 Pilot – Requirements

P3 Pilot Participation

Open to nonprovisional and international utility applications filed under 35 USC 111(a) or 35 USC 371 that are under final rejection.

The following are required for pilot entry:

A request, such as in PTO/SB/444, must be filed via EFS-Web within 2 months of the mail date of the final rejection and prior to filing notice of appeal

A statement that applicant is willing and available to participate in P3 conference with the panel of examiners

A response comprising no more than five (5) page of arguments under 37 CFR 1.116 to the outstanding final rejection, exclusive of any amendments

Optionally, a proposed non-broadening amendment to one (1) or more claim(s)

P3 Pilot – Request Compliance

For requests considered timely and compliant, the application entered into the pilot process.

For requests considered untimely or non- compliant (or if filed after the technology center has reached its limit):

– The Office will treat the request as any after final response absent a P3 request.

– No conference will be held.

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P3 Pilot – Process

P3 Pilot - Notice of Decision (PTO-2324)

Three possible outcomes are:

Final Rejection Upheld

The status of any proposed amendment(s) will be communicated

The time period for taking further action will be noted

Allowable Application

Reopen Prosecution

All of the above outcomes will include:

An Explanation of Decision

A Survey

P3 Pilot - Submissions to Date

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P3 Pilot – Submissions by Technology

Numbers updated often at https://www.uspto.gov/patent/initiatives/post-prosecution-pilot

P3 Pilot - Improper Requests

P3 Pilot - Next Steps

Metrics for Consideration


Internal and external survey results


Formal comments from FR Notice


Stakeholder feedback about the program from other sources

Program Decision


Continue the program, with modifications

More Information on P3

Visit our website: http://www.uspto.gov/patent/initiatives/post-prosecution-pilot


Program details and forms

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Examiner training materials





Contact us by email: PostProsecutionPilot@uspto.gov

Post Grant Outcomes

Post Grant Outcomes Goal

This program is to develop a process for providing post grant outcomes from various sources to the examiner of record and the examiners of related applications.

Sources include:

the Federal Circuit,

District Courts,

Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB), and

Central Reexamination Unit (CRU).

Post Grant Outcomes – Objectives

Purpose: To learn from all post grant proceedings and inform examiners of their outcomes.


Enhanced Patentability Determinations in Related Child Cases

Providing examiners with full access to trial proceedings submitted during PTAB post AIA Trials


Targeted Examiner Training

Data collected from the prior art submitted and examiner behavior will provide a feedback loop on best practices


Examining Corps Education

Provide examiners a periodic review of post grant outcomes focusing on technology sectors

Post Grant Outcomes - Objective 1

Enhanced Patentability Determinations in Related Child Cases

Identify those patents being challenged at the PTAB under the AIA Trials that have pending related applications in the Patent Corps

Provide the examiners of those pending related applications full access to the AIA trial proceedings of the parent case

Post Grant Outcomes Pilot

Post Grant Outcomes Pilot: April-August, 2016

Pilot participants included:

All examiners with a pending application related to an AIA trial

Pilot participants:

Notified when they had an application

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Provided full access to the trial proceedings

Surveyed to identify best practices to be shared corps-wide

Post Grant Outcomes Pilot – Statistics by Technology

Post Grant Outcomes Pilot – General Statistics

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Post Grant Outcomes Pilot – How References Were Used?

Post Grant Outcomes Pilot – What Other PTAB Documents Were Used?

Post Grant Outcomes - Objective 2

Targeted Examiner Training

Data collected from the prior art submitted and resulting examiner behavior will provide a feedback loop on best practices

Educate examiners on:

Prior art search techniques

Sources of prior art beyond what is currently available

Claim interpretation

AIA Trial proceedings

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Post Grant Outcomes - Objective 3

Examining Corps Education

Leverage results of all post grant proceedings to educate examiners on the process and results

Provide examiners a periodic review of post grant outcomes focusing on technology sectors

Utilize the proceedings to give examining corps a fuller appreciation for the process

Post Grant Outcomes Summary

Learn from the results of post grant proceedings

Shine a spotlight on highly relevant prior art uncovered in post grant proceedings

Enhance patentability of determination of related child cases

Build a bridge between PTAB and the examining corps

Post Grant Outcomes - Next Steps

Advance Post Grant Outcomes

Develop training and best practices collected from pilot

Implement the program corps-wide

Continue to collect suggestions from stakeholders about how to improve the program at WorldClassPatentQuality@uspto.gov

More information at the Pilot home page: http://www.uspto.gov/patent/initiatives/post-grant-outcomes-pilot

Measuring Patent Quality

Measuring Patent Quality at the USPTO

Primary focus has been onexamination quality

Examiners’ adherence to laws, rules, and procedures

Tracked against some established standards for desired outcomes

Correctness – statutory compliance





Impacts on advancing prosecution

Basis for historic “compliance” metrics reported by USPTO

Challenges in Measuring Quality

Objectivity vs. Subjectivity

Leading vs. Lagging indicators

What we are doing rather than what we did

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Controlling for a wide range of factors

e.g. technology, examiner experience, applicant behavior, and pilot programs

Establishing causal effects

Balloon-effect of pushing quality could results in problems elsewhere

Verification and validation of quality metrics

There is no silver bullet

Uniqueness of what we do

An Historical Perspective on Measuring Patent Quality

Overview of the Office of Patent Quality Assurance (OPQA)

Review Quality Assurance Specialists (RQAS)

65 reviewers

Average of 20 years of patent examination experience

Demonstrated skills in production, quality, and training

Assignments based on technology

Major activities

Review of examiner work product

Coaching and mentoring

Practice and procedure training

Program evaluations, case studies, ad hoc analyses

Scope of OPQA Review

Where do we review?

Mailed Office actions

Non-final rejections, Final rejections, and Allowances

How do we select what is reviewed?

Random sampling

Primary factors in sample size determination

Desired precision

How data will be used

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Resources necessary for data collection

Maintain representativeness

Quality Metrics as an EPQI Program

Federal Register Notice published on March 25

Requested feedback on:

Decision to replace Composite Quality Score with individual metrics

How to objectively measure patent examination quality

Standardized Master Review Form (MRF)

Quality Metrics website: http://www.uspto.gov/patent/initiatives/quality-metrics

Contact us at QualityMetrics2017@uspto.gov

Quality Metrics – Feedback

Feedback from Federal Register Notice – 32 submissions received

6 submissions by Intellectual Property Organizations

1 submission by Law Firms

4 submissions by Companies

21 submissions by Individuals (18 unique individuals)

. Quality Metrics – Redefined

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Quality Metrics – Key Product Indicators

Key Product Indicators – Correctness

Correctness metrics will show compliance rate by statute

Compliance Rate = Total Reviews – Non-Compliant Reviews
Total Reviews

Non-Compliant Reviews = Omitted + Improper Rejections

The total number of reviews will remain constant for all statutes and includes those reviews that USPTO’s Office of Patent Quality Assurance conducts on randomly-sampled Office actions

Key Product Indicators – Clarity

The USPTO is working on developing clarity metrics

The Office is continuing to work on ensuring that the MRF captures clarity data as

accurately as possible o The USPTO is analyzing the MRF’s clarity data for purposes of identifying quality trends

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Quality Metrics – Key Process Indicators

Key Process Indicators – Approach

Focus on three process indicators from our Quality Index Report (QIR)

Reopening Prevention

Rework Reduction

Consistency of Decision Making

Use data to identify outliers for each indicator for further root-cause analysis

Based on root-cause analysis, work to either capture any identified best-practices or train examiners, as appropriate

Metrics Example – Rework Reduction

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Metric is sum of transactional QIR data points including consecutive finals, consecutive restrictions, and 2nd+ non-finals

Note: Instances of rework impacted by Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank decision

Quality Metrics – Key Perception Indicators

Key Perception Indicators – Approach

USPTO has conducted internal and external perception surveys semi-annually since 2006

External survey is of 3,000 frequent-filing customers

Internal survey is of 750 randomly selected patent examiners

The survey results will be used to validate other quality metrics

Perception Survey Results – Example

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Quality Metrics – Next Steps

Publish Compliance Targets

Publish Clarity Data and Process Indicators

Action Plans on Process Indicators

Evaluate Perception Indicators